Good Works are committed to donating 25% of net profits to good causes to inspire, empower, and give hope to one individual, one family, and one community at a time. The mission for 2012? To completely furnish 117 homes for homeless individuals and families by partnering with PATH Ventures in our, “Home Sweeter Home for the Homeless,” campaign.
Join our movement to spread random acts of kindness and encourage doing good works to help children and families in need. Together we can do good, because doing good always works.
Due to the great charities that Good Works is involved with they are proud to have a huge celebrity following. Take a look at some of the A listers below that have already joined the cause...
You can make a difference too with this delicately crafted wrap around bracelet.
A smart and stylish bracelet, the You Are Beautiful Wrap Around is the modern gal's reminder of faith, love and reasons to believe. Prominently features the “You Are Beautiful” message in order to instill positive self awareness and reinforcement as you do Good Work(s).